St. Louis Food Truck Events for the Whole Family
Food trucks in Saint Louis have become nearly as popular as the Cardinals in the last five years. Food Truck Fridays in Tower Grove Park have continued to grow year after year, and now the County Parks want a piece of the proverbial and literal pie. The Saint Louis County Parks have introduced “Feast in the Park” that takes place weekly on a random week night. The event offers live music, lots of food trucks and a great opportunity to get the whole family out of the house and to a park for dinner!
Food truck events are a great opportunity to get the family out of the house without worrying about cleaning up a mess after dinner or doing any dishes. You don’t have to worry about your kids making too much noise or using their inside voices like you would at a restaurant either since you’ll be in the middle of a park. Let them run around, climb on the playgrounds, have a good meal and tire themselves out before you go home and put them to bed!
Listed below are some details about each of the events. But if you’re in the mood for some food truck cuisine on a night when all the trucks aren’t converging in one place you can go to ShowMeFoodTrucks.com and hunt down where your favorite meal on wheels is located at any given time. Show Me Food Trucks has nearly every food truck in Saint Louis associated with its website and is the foremost authority on food truck tacking in the Saint Louis area!

Feast in the Park
When? Various weekdays once a week from now through Sept. 30 from 5pm-8pm
Where? The event rotates through the Saint Louis County parks. Check the schedule to see where it is being held each week.
Who? Hosted by the Saint Louis County Parks Association
Extras? Live music from 5:30 to 7:30 by a different local band each week. Check the schedule to see who is playing ahead of time.
Food Truck Fridays
When? Every second Friday from May through October in Tower Grove Park
June 12 | 4 to 8 p.m.
July 10 | 4 to 8 p.m.
August 14 | 4 to 8 p.m.
September 11 | 4 to 7:30 p.m.
October 2 | 3:30 to 7 p.m.
Where? Tower Grove Park
Who? Hosted by Sauce Magazine
Extras? The largest gathering of food trucks in Saint Louis!
Mark your calendars now or just go to ShowMeFoodTrucks.com and have a nice, affordable, low maintenance meal with your whole family today! And if you’re not in the mood for a food truck and would prefer to just take the family out to a restaurant, use the Eat Kid Friendly App to find the best kid friendly restaurant in your area!